Saturday, December 15, 2007
It's about time!
Oh yeah, we went to my parents ward party this morning, it was a breakfast, and it was funny because my cousin James was Santa. It was really funny seeing him all dressed up. Good times. For those of you who don't know, James is getting married on the 28th of this month to a cute girl (Niki Forsberg) in the Boise, ID temple. We are so excited for him. They are cute together. She plays on the Volleyball and Softball team for Big Bend. GO JAMES!!!
Monday, December 10, 2007
So anyways, while we were at church yesterday morning it SNOWED!!!! YAY!! It was so fun showing Carter the snowflakes and watching it fall to the ground. He loved it. We took him sledding outside this morning. At first he was a little unsure of what was going on, but then he warmed up to it. I forgot to take a picture, so I'll have to do it later. I got video of it, but no still frames. Sorry. It was great though. Cold, of course, but after all the heat in TX, it's kind of refreshing.
We went and helped out my parents get a Christmas tree today. That was fun. I miss real trees. Carter was so cute, he kept trying to help put the lights on. He was cute. It was good that he was cute, because his attitude Saturday night and Sunday morning was enough to make me wonder if I ever wanted any more kids. Seriously. Really, seriously. But today he showed his good side. *phew* I was afriad my little sweetheart had disappeared.
I was really emotional yesterday because we were visiting a friends church for a little while (he was giving a guest sermon), and Carter was driving me crazy. I don't blame him, really, who wouldn't be after traveling so long and having to adjust to a 2 hour time difference. Not to mention that this was his 4th hour of church. But I was the same as him, so me plus a whiney kid just wasn't working. Anyways, it was the end of church and we were walking past an open door and Carter's head barely hit it. Carter didn't even notice, and I apologized to him, but this lady on the bench by the door noticed, and then 10 min. later when we were trying to leave Carter wanted down, and there were so many people around that I couldn't bend over, so I let him slide down, and he stumbled and fell at the end, again. . .he didn't notice, didn't care, but we were right by that darn lady agan! She tried helping him up and then was all "you poor thing, first your mom hits your head with the door and then drops you." UGH!!! That was it. It was all I could do to not say something to her and to hold my tears. I was so upset. It's not like I meant to do any of it, and I was already feeling the like the crappiest parent on the earth because I was so fed up with my child and had accidently bumped his head, that her saying it just confirmed my feelings and I just broke. Do you ever get that way?
I feel better now, having caught up on my much needed sleep and Carter getting his. I miss Bo and don't know how on earth single mothers do it. I give them mad props. I need Bo. I need his comforting words, his hugs, his help, even just his presence. We're coming up on our 4th anniversary, and it's amazing how much we have grown into one. I really need him to think straight and function. He doesn't have to do anything, he just needs to be there. Does that make sense? Anyways. . . I love my man and I love my son, so maybe someday Carter still might get lucky and get a sibling. :) Unless he does something to change my mind again tomorrow. ;)
Over and out.
Monday, December 3, 2007
A Great Night!
On a side note, tonight we went to the IMAX at Moody Gardens and saw the Nutcracker. Oh man it was so bad! Bo and I both walked out of it wishing we hadn't gone. We're talking horrible dancing, acting, props, costumes. It makes for a funny memory though. We have seasons passes to Moody Gardens, so we get in everything here. We went to the Polar Express last week at the IMAX (by the way, they are all 3-D), and that was really fun. We plan on going to Santa vs. Snowman on Thursday.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Thanksgiving '07

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Pictures from Boston
Here is Clarissa Baker! #4 of the Haven Baker family. Isn't she a cutie?!!
Carter is in LOVE with Elmo. Don't ask me how, it's not like we get Sesame Street on our TV. He was in heaven when he saw their Elmo.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Did I say Healthy???
We had a fun time. I was able to watch the kids so that my sister-in-law could go run errands and take naps. Carter and I had a blast playing with the kids. However, when we first showed up the boys were all just barely recovering from colds, and by the time we left, Carter was starting to show the first signs too. AHHHH! Now to be honest, I didn't think it was that big of a deal considering we just got Carter over the flu, but then on Monday afternoon, a whole fresh wave of sympathy came over me. Yup, I got the cold too, and let me tell you, it is a nasty thing. Seriously! All I can say is that now we've had both, we'd better not get anything come Christmas time (knock on wood)! I know this might sound selfish, but I think that the only thing worse than a sick kid is a sick mom. Seriously. I just want to curl up in a ball. My body aches, especially my bum, and I just feel gross and weak. The reason I think a sick mom is worse is because mom's still have to get up and take care of others. We don't get breaks like when we were single. Luckily it is a short day for Bo so he came home and is watching Carter snore on his shoulder while I take a break and write this blog. I just barely woke up from a 2 hour nap. Husbands are wonderful, especially mine.
Anyways, since I'm on Bo's laptop, I don't have the pictures of my trip to post. I'll put them on later when I'm on the computer. I did get to do one selfish thing while on my trip to Boston, I got to take pictures next to the Boston LDS Temple. It was really pretty. I'll post those too.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Healthy and in Boston
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
The Flu
Friday, November 2, 2007
Is it possible?
Oh yeah, I'm starting to teach Carter to say Ho Ho Ho. hahahhahaa. So FUN!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Here is Carter and his friend Braeden (the skunk). On the couch are all the kids who went trick-or-treating together. You can kinda see how sweaty they got in their hot costumes. It was a muggy night. In a row is Carter, Braeden, Ava, and Carsen.
So here is everyone walking to the neighborhood we trick-0r-treated at. On the right is Ava and Carter. They are really good friends.
On the left are some of the med students' kids. Carter loves his friends! On the right isn't a Halloween pic, it's from the night before. Jana, Ava's mom, was over and we were making cookies for the ward party. I thought it was cute so I threw it in.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Random Pics
Accident Prone
So today was interesting. Poor guy. We started out going to the aquarium with some friends, and poor Carter biffed it playing around. That's where he got the scrape on the left (Carter's right arm). Then later in the afternoon Carter was jumping down these really short steps, he's a great jumper, and for some reason he didn't lift up one of his legs high enough, so instead he tripped and fell on the sidewalk. OUCH! He was crying pretty bad, luckily though he only has a few little scratches on the the other elbow. And don't think that's all. . . later we were at the table and Bo was leaning back on the last two legs of his chair. He decided to put it back upright, only to put it down on my little guy's pinky toe. Carter just looked up at him all puppy eyed and shocked, then started bawling his eyes out and I actually had to hold him like a baby and rock him to get him to calm down. I don't blame him. It was funny though, because after that he wouldn't look at Bo except to glare at him. Lastly, and luckily he was too hyper to let it register, my little guy decided to jump on some pillows on the floor, only I didn't know that, and right as he was jumping, I had yanked them off the floor. It was kinda funny. The kid landed face flat on the ground. He started laughing, I think, because we were laughing soo hard. So that was Carter's day. Busy and painful. He took it well though.
Monday, October 22, 2007
So excited!
On a more current topic, I am teaching Carter to trick-or-treat. I'm making him come over to me and hold his pumpkin pail out while saying trick-or-treat (which really comes out as "dii deeee). When he does, I drop a couple candy corn in his pumpkin! It's so cute. I can't wait to take him out for the real deal. He was just too young last year to even register what was going on. Fun Fun Fun.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
I've found myself doing the same with Carter. It's a fond memory that I'd like to pass on to my kids. We made brownies last night, and Carter came running over, eager to lick the spatula. We sat down and went to town with the leftover batter. As you can see, Carter hasn't quite mastered the skill yet . . . he got more on his face than his mouth. Good times.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Maple Bars
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
A Fun Weekend
Me and Carter on the ferry. There was a real nice breeze.
You can kinda see the dolphins in the water. So fun.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
I do think he is going through this new phase and he is starting to recognize embarrassment. Sometimes if he gets caught doing something and my sister in law tells him no, he tucks his head into his shoulder or the couch, so I know he's starting to exprience new feelings. Is the hitting the only way he knows how to vent those feelings? As you can tell, I've really been trying to think this through. Once we get home (tomorrow. . .YAY) I'm hoping that it will break this new thing he's picked up. Plus once he gets home he won't have to be told no so much, because it's my house and I don't care what he touches because it's all child proof. Plus he'll have a room to go to timeout in. But still. . . I need to get this figured out, so suggestions would be great. Or if your kids have done similar things and have turned out okay that would be great to know too. He really is the sweetest little guy. He loves his baby cousin (2months old) and has never, not even ONCE, come close to hitting him. He's a kissy, huggy, smiley little guy, who loves to share and mingle and dance, so where oh where does this self abuse come from???? Is he trying to get my atttention? I thought I gave him quite a bit. My sister in law suggests that maybe he's been getting too much. really? I love my little guy and it breaks my heart that he does that. Does he know that and is he using me? So many questions. I'm just hoping he hurries and gets over it.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
YAY BO!!!!!!
In other news, I'm here in Hershey, PA hanging out with my sister in law and her baby. We're having fun. She owns all 3 seasons of Greys anatomy, so she's got me hooked. I've got to hurry up and finish the 3rd season because the 4th season starts up on Thursday. She has converted me to the show. I like it. Definetly a little skanky, but really fun to watch. I'm excited because House is starting up again too. I love House. It's only too bad that Lost doesn't start till January. Lost is great.
So that is life. We're having fun and super happy for Bo. Sorry for the bragging, but seriously can you blame me? Right now he's the top of his class!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Tropical Storm Humberto (Hurricane?)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I should be taking a nap
So there's this family in our ward who needs someone to watch their little boy either everyday till noon or off and on 3 or 2 days a week till 3. I could use the extra money--I like to shop way too much--and it's a good way for Carter to have a friend. The only thing is, I'm realizing that it means I can't get out of the house to hang out with MY friends til after noon. Not cool. So I don't know what to do. Do I do it or not? How important is the money to me? Not to mention it's not that much money, but he is Carter's age, therefore they play together which kind of makes it easier on me . . . what to do, what to do. I'm giving it a trial week. I'm leaving for Hershey, PA to go spend some time with Bridget, Whitney, and the baby for 2 weeks, so I'll be able to see if I liked the break or if the week of babysitting wasn't so bad. Hmmm. ..
Our car window is broken. Not cracked or anything, it just won't roll up. It's really annoying. We have it all taped up and ghetto style. It was funny. Bo and I were sick of taping it up, so we finally just popped off the panel on the door looked in , and then we were stumped. The furthest we had thought through this was to get the panel off. We finally decided it was the regulator, which thank goodness comes with a motor (we couldn't figure out which one was broken) so we'll just replace both and pray that it's fixed. If not, well then I guess we'll have to keep it taped up till January when we can get the funds to fix it. Why is it that things always break down just at the worst time?????
For good news, we finally bought a crib!!! I'm sure lots of you are astonished that I have a 20 mo. old and haven't had a crib, but seriously, in Carter's lifetime, we've moved from Alaska, to Texas, then to another town in Texas. . . with months at Washington in between each move. There wasn't space to move a crib from place to place, not to mention we're dirt poor--in case you didn't get the memo about the car window being taped up--so we've kept it simple and had him sleep in a play 'n pack this whole time. It suits him just fine, he doesn't care or know the difference, but still I've always felt bad. Our poor kid has the crappiest parents. Not crappy I guess. . . just ghetto and cheap. So yeah, I've finally got one. It's in the mail and should come shortly. Of course with my luck it'll come while we're in PA. But who cares, it's a crib!
So yeah, that's life. I'm off to take a nap now.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Weekend in Dallas
We had fun. We went out for pizza and then went and walked by this lake and watched the kids play. Carter was having the time of his life with all the attention he was getting. We put the kids down for the evening and then
On Sunday we went to church with them and played and talked a little more before taking off to go back to Galveston. It was a 5 hour drive, but Carter slept the whole time, so the ride home went well.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Sleep Deprivation
Friday, August 24, 2007
Galveston, Tx
Man he's cute!
Here's the view from our balcony. past the buildings in the top right corner is the ocean.
Monday, August 6, 2007
What the heck?!!!!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Being a Parent

Sunday, July 29, 2007
Summer of Fun
Anyways, those are the emotions I'm going through right now. For some good news, and I'm sorry it's a tad old, but Whitney and Bridget have a baby boy!!! His name is Elijah Jesse Baker. He is cute. He was born on July 17, and was 9 lbs. 11 oz. He was a big one. If you want to see pictures, go to
I'm off to go have fun this last week in Moses Lake.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I'm DONE!!!
Monday, July 23, 2007
I'm Alive!!!

Carter at Niagra Falls