So I was on the phone with a friend today, and we were both talking about growing up and our parents. I knew my parents had some quirks about the way they raised me, but I thought that it was just my parents. Then talking to this friend, she revealed some of HER parents' quirks, and I don't know, it just dawned on me, that hey, if both of are parents aren't normal, how many are? Seriously! Now I know we all love our parents, and obviously they did a good job (well at least on me :) ) but still, we can't deny the craziness of their lives and the inpact on ours. ANYWAYS, my point is, why am I feeling so stressed about being the perfect parent, or a normal parent??????? No one else is, why should I???? I think I'm going to relax on this whole parent thing, and just enjoy it. I can't believe how fast Carter is growing, in every aspect. If I worried about all of these ridiculous things that I need to teach Carter and so forth, when would have time to breath?, much less have fun?? I want to enjoy my kids. Now of course I'm still going to try and be a good parent, I'm going to try and teach him in the things that I feel he should learn, but I think I'm going to chill out and just realize that since my kids are still going to think I'm crazy at the end of the road, then why not have fun while doing it. That's my two cents.In other news, we take off today to go to Seattle. We are officially leaving Moses Lake. Of course we'll be back for Christmas, but we're done for the summer. I'm excited to go to Seattle! I'm hoping to go shopping for some shorts for Carter and some jean capri's for me. Bo and I are going on a double date with Ivin and Christina tomorrow night. We're going to the Bourne Ultimatum. We're really excited. We love the Bourne series. The books are even better, I recommend them to everyone. Anyways. . . on Monday I'm getting my hair highlighted. Yay for highlights! Yay for blondes! When I get highlights I always feel so much more alive, you know? I feel fun and exciting. It's a sure fire way of getting a boost in self esteem. Look at me. I just said sure fire. MAN!!! I guess you can't take the farm out of the girl eh? SO. . . we fly out on Tuesday, and are moving in on Wednesday. I probably won't be blogging for a week because of unpacking. We'll see. Hope everyone's having fun, and just so you know, I do read your comments, so thanks for them!!!
cassidy- i love reading your blog. i totally agree with your thoughts on parenthood. we just have to do the best we can without sweating the small stuff. life has got to stay fun.
I hate when my sister comments before me because I always want to say the same exact thing. I always just think of my parents as being young kids in the 20's that didn't really know what they were doing....just like I am. It really helps.
I'm glad I'm not alone in this. Your parents are one of those ones I was always jealous of. Can I say how happy I am that you made a comment Ashley? I'll be honest, I sneak looks at yours all the time!
Cassidy...I always check yours out. I don't know why but I always feel like I am spying too. But hey we have known eachother our whole lives...I think that makes us good enough friends to look at each others blogs. :) You are adorable by the way. And so is your little family.
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