Thursday, February 26, 2009
Meg's hair
Five kids under four
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It will be done this year. (might take a while)
4. You have not clue what it is going to be, poetry, shoes, bags or a little invention of my own. I may bake something and mail it you . Who knows? Not you that's for sure!
5. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange. It may blow your mind!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I love, love, LOVE having a baby to cuddle and snuggle with anytime I wish. I love just holding her and tickling her and kissing those adorable chubby cheeks. I love that she smiles at me all the time. I often have to do a double take because I don't realize the first time that she's off on the couch just grinning ear to ear because I glanced at her. I love that she's mine, all mine. (Laura--feel free to come over and borrow some baby time:) )
On a side note, CONGRATULATIONS to Whitney and Bridget, my brother and sister-in-law. They welcomed their second child, Isadora, into the world yesterday. She is A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. We can't wait to hold her!!!
Oh yeah. . . and GOOD LUCK Danielle. She is hopefully going to have her baby tomorrow!!
And another. . . CONGRATULATIONS to Andrea and JR on their darling little boy!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Day and Mardi Gras
Bo and I actually had our Valentine's Day date on Friday night. We went to dinner at Olive Garden, I love love LOVE their new soup, and then we went to Taken. It was all in all a great night. We swapped date night with some friends and they were kind enough to watch Meg too, although we only had them take care of her for the dinner part. It would've been too long for her away from me if we had left her for the WHOLE night.
It was a pretty casual holiday for us. Bo accidently got his treats earlier in the week, thanks to Carter pulling it out of the bag and giving it to him, and I had gotten my flowers earlier too. I'm too cheap to let Bo buy me way over priced flowers on the actual day. So of Saturday we just handed Carter his valentine from us and spent the day spoiling each other through meals, breaks, etc. Way low key and relaxing.
Since it was Mardi Gras we took Carter to one of the parades. They had three yesterday, but we just took him to one. Oh man it was crazy. Everyone was handing out beads. There were so many! We stood next to a group of young adults, so they kept coming over to Carter and putting beads around his head. He had so many!!! Not to mention everyone on the floats would throw them to us because we had little kiddos. I'm sure Carter weighed an extra 5 lbs at least.
The theme must be pirates this year, because all the floats were pirate ships and pirates. Carter was in HEAVEN. Oh he loved it.
After the parade we went home for a LOOONNG nap and actually had to wake Carter in the evening because his friend had come over for the second half of the date swap.
All in all it was a great day! Thanks for making me feel special and loved, Bo. I love you. You are the perfect man for me. I love you Carter and Megan. You are the best little children ever! You both are so sweet and caring.
My family is seriously the best!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
What would yours be?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Still Sick
Poor baby. I can't believe she fell asleep in that!!! Bo and I were laughing pretty hard. Don't worry, we took her out right after and went and laid her down.
Earlier in the week, when we were trying to think of something to do, we put Megan in Carter's p.j.'s. They actually aren't that big on her!! It's funny because Carter is still wearing those pj's.
This last picture is just a random one that I thought was cute. Carter and pirates. . . . Megan was actually laughing at it too, I just wasn't able to capture it on the camera. She always stops smiling once the camera is out because the camera distracts her.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Understanding Carter
Cassidy: "You what?"
Carter: "I *sniff* *sniff* (actual sniffing) like that."
Cassidy: "Ohhhh, you smelled them!"
Carter: " Yeah!"
Carter: "It's a paypane!"
Cassidy: "Huh???"
Carter: "It's a buzzz, buuzzzz, bzzzz" (while waving hand around in air)
Cassidy: "It's an airplane?"
Carter: "Yeah, a pay-pane.'
My favorite, which he hasn't done for awhile:
Carter: "A dink, ahhh, a dink, ahhh"
Cassidy: "A drink??"
Carter: "Yeah, a dink, ahhh"
You see, the "ahhhh" is the noise you make after swallowing a refreshing drink. "ahhhhh"
And our day is filled with this. We're both getting better though. :)
Wishful Thinking
Whatever. My mom thinks I'm cool. haha
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Exciting times
Bo has been amazing at helping out, letting me sleep while he watches the kids among other things, and staying upbeat. He even bought me flowers!! Poor guy, he's probably bored out of his mind and sick of watching movies. That's pretty much all we've been doing. It's actually been pretty relaxing and nice to have Carter so cuddly.
That's all.
Oh yeah. Carter decided he wanted to wear his old Tiger Halloween costume today. He's actually kept it on all day too, even during his nap. Funny boy.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
My Hair
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Trip to Temple, TX
One of my friends, Brianna, moved to Temple about 9 months ago, after husband graduated from Med School here at UTMB. She has been asking me to visit, and I finally made the time to travel the 4 hours with my two kiddos to her house. I'm so glad I did too. It was great to see all my long lost friends, and it was SO FUN playing with Brianna!! (granted I didn't win ONE game we played)
Of course neither of my kids slept too well, but it was still worth it. Brianna has 3 boys, ranging from 5 to 1. Her two older boys were friends with Carter, so it was great seeing them play together again. Her boys had fun playing with Megan. They were so cute to her too. They would often sit next to her on the couch and just talk to her and make her laugh. SO CUTE! She thought they were so funny. I had to best time socializing and playing games. Really, who could ask for more?
The only downer, which wasn't really a downer unless you were Carter, was that it was too cold to go outside to play in the yard. Poor Carter would just stand at the back door begging to go out, trying to convince me that it wasn't that bad (can you tell that I need a yard??). It was too cold though, I promise. There was an ice storm while I was there that left my car covered in ice.
While there I was able to meet up with almost all my other friends at the local Burger King. It was a fun reunion. Poor Santino was the only man. haha. He was good natured about it though. I was also able to see Serena's cute little baby. It's amazing how fast babies change. Megan was like twice her size, with only 3 months in between them. haha.
It was a good trip. I headed over there Monday around noonish and got back into town, with two screaming kids, Wednesday night, just in time for mutual. Oh I was tired. I still am. So fun though. I can't wait to do it again! Well maybe I can wait a little. . . . but I will miss my friends. I love friends.