Friday, August 29, 2008
Not Fair
I don't think it's fair that my mom and Bo keep urging me to wait another week to have this baby. I'm done people, DONE! My stomach hurts from stretching and holding this huge thing up. I'm tired, hormonal, and I would really like to have some brain cells that actually function. So to you who think I should wait, you can have the baby next time.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Pictures of Carter
So here are some pictures that we have taken of Carter in the past couple of weeks that I keep forgetting to blog about. Most are just random. The ones with different hairstyles show just how cruel of parents we are! haha
This next one is of Carter in time out. Bo obviously is having a good time with it.
Here are Bo and Carter having fun with the trains. I love the pile of trains at the bottom of ironing board, after going off the "ramp."

Mr. Grumpy Pants
The hairstyling ones crack me up.
Here is Carter jumping on the pillows.
Last but not least, Carter wearing Bo's shoes.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Thanks Jackie!!!
So I have the best cousin EVER!!! Not five minutes after my last posting, my cousin Jackie, who lives in a town about a half hour away from me, called me up and told me to get dressed because she was going to the movie with me! How wonderful and awesome is she??? Oh she made my day!!
We ended up going to a theater near her because the time was better and we bought snacks and had a great time. The movie was way inapropriate but oh it had some funny parts. I guess I wouldn't recommend this to anyone because of its way bad parts, but it is one that I would probably quote, does that make sense? Anyways, Jackie and I had fun getting out, and we had a good time together. Cousins are the best!
Oh yeah Sam, I think it's awesome that you commented, because I was telling Jackie at the theater that if I were in ML, I'd have been able to get any of my girlfriends to come spur of the moment.
We ended up going to a theater near her because the time was better and we bought snacks and had a great time. The movie was way inapropriate but oh it had some funny parts. I guess I wouldn't recommend this to anyone because of its way bad parts, but it is one that I would probably quote, does that make sense? Anyways, Jackie and I had fun getting out, and we had a good time together. Cousins are the best!
Oh yeah Sam, I think it's awesome that you commented, because I was telling Jackie at the theater that if I were in ML, I'd have been able to get any of my girlfriends to come spur of the moment.
Monday, August 25, 2008
I need girl time
I need girl time. I need it bad. There's a girl movie at the theater--the Bunny House--or something like that, and you have no idea how much I just want to go grab my purse and take off to it. By myself. I'm so close to doing it too. Only a few things stand in my way (ha) 1. I'm a big time people person, and the thought of going by myself just doesn't sound right. 2. The movie starts at 9:20, and it's only 8:30 and I didn't get a good nap today so I'll probably be exhausted. and 3. I feel kinda bad for just wanting to up and ditch Bo. Seriously though, he's been studying every night and I'm SO BORED. I'm big, awkward, and ready to get this baby out, and I need something to help me kill the time. Plus it sounds FUN. I need FUN. I need to be away from the stress of seeing all the things I need to do, I need to go relax and eat junk food and laugh and just be a girl. So I need girl time, but lets face it, it probably won't happen. At least not tonight. If I went to the movie I'd get home late and Bo might be in bed, and I hate the idea of Bo going to bed without me.
Oh yeah, I'd call up friends but it's late and last minute, and they all have children they need to get up and take care of in the morning too. bummer.
And another oh yeah. . I want to buy myself flowers. I need something to make me feel like I'm still special and that I'm doing something special while looking huge, waddling everywhere, and just being uncomfortable all day.
Oh yeah, I'd call up friends but it's late and last minute, and they all have children they need to get up and take care of in the morning too. bummer.
And another oh yeah. . I want to buy myself flowers. I need something to make me feel like I'm still special and that I'm doing something special while looking huge, waddling everywhere, and just being uncomfortable all day.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Get out, get out, GET OUT!
These last few days I have started to get some really REALLY bad stomach aches. They feel a lot like hunger pains, you know the ones that make you feel like you are starving and you need to eat soon. Or maybe no one gets those, although I doubt it. Now let me just say that I have been eating great. I eat a good breakfast, lunch, and dinner, not to mention the bazillion snacks with Carter throughout the day. What I don't get then, is whey do I have these pains?
I'm waking up at 3 in the morning hurting so bad. Last night I got up and came out into the kitchen and made myself a peanut butter sandwich (Serena) and a chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast drink. It was hard forcing myself to eat at 3 in the a.m. but what else was I supposed to do?
Today I took a ton of snacks with me as I went and ran some errands. I took a PBandJ sandwich, chips, frosted mini wheats, water, and a few other things. I snacked the whole way there, and STILL I got the bad stomach ache. What the heck? I'm starting to think that they might not be from being hungry, but maybe something to do with this little girl growing inside of me. Maybe some sort of contraction/labor/braxton hick/whatever pain???
So I'm reaching out to you, friends, for help. What is going on? Yes, they hurt like crazy. They often go away after a few minutes and then come back a little later--which makes me thing contractions, because what stomach aches go away and come back every once in awhile? No, they don't feel like the uterus. They feel like my stomach. They feel like they are deep in me. Make sense?
Bo suggested heartburn, but I'm taking Pepcid, and feel better than I have in months in that sense. I just don't know. People say you know when it's contractions. Well people, I never could tell with Carter, so I guess I'm an exception to the rule (my water broke with him and then the back labor was so bad we had to watch the monitor to tell when contractions came because all I could feel was the pain in my back). So it could be, but I've never heard anyone complain of stomach ache like pains. So that's why I'm clueless.
All I have to say is that I'm 20 days from my due date. I've served my time. If it's the baby giving me the pains, which I'm 99% sure of, then the green light is on girl, you can get out now.
I'm waking up at 3 in the morning hurting so bad. Last night I got up and came out into the kitchen and made myself a peanut butter sandwich (Serena) and a chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast drink. It was hard forcing myself to eat at 3 in the a.m. but what else was I supposed to do?
Today I took a ton of snacks with me as I went and ran some errands. I took a PBandJ sandwich, chips, frosted mini wheats, water, and a few other things. I snacked the whole way there, and STILL I got the bad stomach ache. What the heck? I'm starting to think that they might not be from being hungry, but maybe something to do with this little girl growing inside of me. Maybe some sort of contraction/labor/braxton hick/whatever pain???
So I'm reaching out to you, friends, for help. What is going on? Yes, they hurt like crazy. They often go away after a few minutes and then come back a little later--which makes me thing contractions, because what stomach aches go away and come back every once in awhile? No, they don't feel like the uterus. They feel like my stomach. They feel like they are deep in me. Make sense?
Bo suggested heartburn, but I'm taking Pepcid, and feel better than I have in months in that sense. I just don't know. People say you know when it's contractions. Well people, I never could tell with Carter, so I guess I'm an exception to the rule (my water broke with him and then the back labor was so bad we had to watch the monitor to tell when contractions came because all I could feel was the pain in my back). So it could be, but I've never heard anyone complain of stomach ache like pains. So that's why I'm clueless.
All I have to say is that I'm 20 days from my due date. I've served my time. If it's the baby giving me the pains, which I'm 99% sure of, then the green light is on girl, you can get out now.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Baby Shower!
So my awesome friend Stephanie threw me the best baby shower ever! She did such a good job. The announcements, food, and everything else was just perfect! Thanks Stephanie!! Thanks to all you friends who showed up too. I recieved some cute clothes, essentials, and blankets! Now all I need is my little girl to try all the clothes on and cuddle with!
I forgot to take my camera, imagine that, so the picture I took of the diaper cake that Stephanie made was taken at my house after Carter had attacked it. I'd never even heard of a diaper cake before and I'd have to say it is the cutest thing ever! Here's the picture I have. If you want to see some better pictures of the shower and announcement, go to Stephanie's blog, under the Stout Family.
Thanks again Steph!
Nesting or Panicking?
On Sunday I had some bad pains, which in retrospect I realized were contractions. Yesterday I had them again. Now I find myself cleaning and organizing and shopping and just all sorts of things to get ready for the baby. I am not ready AT ALL. I don't even have a car seat yet. So anyways, I can't tell if I'm nesting, or if I'm just panicking because of the contractions and upcoming arrival in just a few short weeks, or maybe days. What do you think?
The Jimmy Doyle Dickens Memorial Award
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Space Center!!!
My brother, Whitney, with Carter and me.
So my brother Whitney came to Houston this past weekend for his wife's HS 10 year reunion. We went up to Sugarland on Friday night to celebrate his birthday--a month late--and then on Saturday we met him and all of Bridget, his wife's, family at NASA. My cousin Jackie and her husband and son joined us too.
It was a fun birthday party for Whit on Friday, but to be honest, the space center on Saturday was not one of my most favorite days ever. It was fun hanging out with my family but the Space Center was sooooo crowded that it just was not fun at all. Not to mention that some of the employees were rude. The lines for some of the the things were ridiculously long, and being so pregnant and having no where to sit just wasn't cool.
We waited for 40 min.--outside in the heat mind you-- for one ride, a tram, that took us to mission control, and after getting off the tram and viewing the place, we went back to our seats on the tram only to find that somebody else had taken them. Yeah. Of all the seats taken, of course it would be ours. The tram was full, but luckily we were able to convince one of the workers to let us sit back by him in the last row that wasn't actually for the visitors. It was just a way long day and we were exhausted.
Still, I'd do it again for my brother, 'cause Whit, you ROCK!
My cute family underneath a"shuttle" at the Space Center. You could go up into this half of it sticking out of the wall and see what a shuttle looks like from the inside.
Carter and Brigham, Jackie's son, in front of one of the attractions. I would have loved to take Carter in there if there were room. It was packed with kids.
Some of the gang. Bridget is doing her Spock hello.
Astronaut Ice Cream. LOVE IT!! It's freeze dried ice cream and it's yummy.
A Pirate!
Carter is really into The Backyardigans right now. He LOVES them. There is one show where they pretend to be pirates, and it's Carter's favorite. Over a year ago we bought him a Backyardigan toy because it came with a ship for the bath. It had Pablo and Uniqua (two of the characters) dressed up as pirates with a pirate ship. Anyways, Carter just now made the connection when watching the show. He now takes his "Pabo and Iqua" with him everywhere and quotes the movie by saying "a pirate, a pirate arrrrrr." He got this from the show because they sing "a pirate, a pirate, a pirate says Arrr." It's so funny to watch him. He also now knows how to "surf" from another one of their shows.
The picture is of Carter going "arrrrr."
Friday, August 8, 2008
Tropical Storm Edouard
So yeah, Tropical Storm Eduoard had the potential to be a hurricane and it was headed straight here. My sister in law's parents live in Sugarland, which is a little southwest of Houston, invited us to go up there and stick it out. At first we weren't going to leave the island, like Stephanie, I thought it would be kinda fun to see, but then they started talking about possible flooding and power outages. You see, we live on the 3rd floor, so we weren't too worried about that, but it's the power outages that convinced us to leave. I'm 35 weeks pregnant and there was NO WAY I was going to go with air conditioning!!
So off we went on Monday night. We spent the night up in Sugarland, and then the next morning, when realized that the storm was total weak sauce, we went shopping at an outlet mall. That to me made the trip totally worth it right there.
So the storm was lame, nothing to worry about, but luckily the area got some much needed rain and I got to go spend some fun time up in Houston. Not that bad I'd say!
So off we went on Monday night. We spent the night up in Sugarland, and then the next morning, when realized that the storm was total weak sauce, we went shopping at an outlet mall. That to me made the trip totally worth it right there.
So the storm was lame, nothing to worry about, but luckily the area got some much needed rain and I got to go spend some fun time up in Houston. Not that bad I'd say!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Breaking Dawn comes out tomorrow/midnight tonight!!! Can you believe it???? I'm so excited/nervous/sad. I don't want the books to be over, but I so can't wait to read what's going to happen!
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The Beus Gang
Bo, Cassidy, and Carter Beus