So on Monday my cousin Jackie, along with her husband, Lincoln, and cute 6 mo. old son, Brigham, came to visit us in Galveston!! Actually they came to look for housing in a town about 45 min. North of here, but who cares! We count them as visitors.
It was really fun having them. They are moving down here from Utah in June and we can't wait to have family so close! We ate good food, played the Wii, and just talked. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures. I'm so bad at remembering to take them. To be honest though, things were a little busy. I watched their little boy for them while they were gone looking for housing during the day, and in the evenings I was off to Enrichment and Mutual.
The only downside of the week was me getting sick. I started feeling "ugh" on Monday and it wouldn't go away. It was that "nothing sounds good and if I eat it gives me a stomach ache" feeling. Not cool. Well I was so not feeling good Wednesday, especially at mutual, and when I came home I totally started throwing up, which is VERY RARE for me. Bo actually made the comment that he'd never seen me throw up before. Yeah. Sorry Jackie and Lincoln. I felt like crap all day today too, and after trying to eat this morning I was back to the bathroom for more heaving. I don't know how people can handle being like this for any of their pregnancy. It's killing me and it's been what, 3 days?
After dropping off my company at the airport today, I was finally starting to feel better and was cleaning up my house. I picked up a random object and was carrying it down the hall when I accidently dropped it on my foot. Oh my gosh it hurt/hurts. It smashed one of my toes and caused it to bleed under the nail. Seriously friends, it hurts like crazy. I'm attaching a wonderful picture to show the toe. I'm sure I'll lose the nail. So go me. It's just my luck to be sick when company is here and then as soon as I think I'm getting better to totally get hurt.
On the bright side, I was able to eat a little ramen for dinner. Not much for healthy, but at least it was food.
It's the middle toe, in case you can't see. Ignore the scratch on the big toe, that was from last week at the store.