I think this Christmas Eve was the funniest one I've ever had. Oh gosh was it great. We started off going over to Bo's Grandma's and hanging out there for a couple of hours in the afternoon with his mom and siblings. We played games and had great fun. We then spent the rest of the evening in Moses Lake at my Aunt Lori's house. Bo's dad came with us. Baker Christmas Eve tradition is always to go to one of the Uncle's houses and eat a good dinner, with clam chowder, stuffed mushrooms, cheeseball, and shrimp being traditions along with tons of other good food. We talk for awhile, the kids play games, and then we do the nativity. The nativity was what made the night. All the kids, my family and cousins, are all grown up. Because of Haven's boys being sick, only Emerson (who was feeling better) and Carter were able to go. They were the only kids under 12 who were there. Did we decide not to do the nativity becuase of the lack of little kids? Of course not! It was great! All the kids were still single except for Danielle, so each got a part. I'll put their ages next to their names so you can get an idea of this nativity. Seriously, it was so funny.
My sister Liberty (21) and my cousin Reece (21) were Mary and Joseph. Danielle (20) was the narrator. The sheperds were Easton (12), Thang (20?), and Emerson and Carter. The angels were Jill (20), MacKenzie (15), and Brooke (17). James (24), Jordan (23), and Tyler, Danielle's husband, (24?) were the wisemen. It was soooo fun to watch the 20 year olds play the parts. They did a great job. Maybe it doesn't sound funny, but trust me, it was a hit.
Anyways, after that we all went to our own homes. When we got back to my parents we opened our traditional Christmas Eve pajamas. It was fun. Bo, Carter, and I, all had matching pj's. Bo thought it was cheesy but who cares. Right during the evening family prayer, to top off the night, Ethan threw up all over Haven. Bo had to be reminded to end the prayer because we were all staring in horror over at the two of them. *sigh* poor Haven. It was funny though, at the very beginning sound of Ethan's episode, Libby, who was sighting right in front of him, was up and away. Quick reflexes Lib. She survived.
Enjoy the pics! I wish I had more. I got the whole thing on video though!

Don't ask me why this is being posted after my week before Christmas one. Who knows. Oh well.