It was a great morning. We were really spoiled. Bo got some Wii games and clothes and a PDA from my brother. I recieved some lotions and a book and some jewelry and cookbooks, along with a panini grill, which is the ULTIMATE!! Thanks Whit and Bridget! My other gift was a shopping trip in a few days to San Marcos, which has two HUGE outlet malls. Carter got his cowboy hat! He also got Hungry Hippos, puzzles, books, Kung Fu Panda, a guitar, a rug with car tracks on it, cars, and a PIRATE SHIP!!! Can you guess what his favorite gift was? Well first it was the hat until he saw the ship. That ship was worth every penny (which, by the way, I got an amazing deal on) he plays with it nonstop!
Sadly, I didn't take too many pictures. We were too busy having fun. Bummer.