Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Valentine's Day

Sharing the love on Valentine's Day!!

Megan has figured out you're supposed to say "cheese," and smile, when taking pictures.

We had a fun Valentine's Day! I got lovely flowers from Bo, along with super yummy chocolates. We gave the kiddos some flashlights with removable tops that have prints on them. They were a big hit. Bo got chocolates from me, I went all out. :)

This weekend was really busy, so Bo and I weren't able to go on a date. Sad day. We did, however, make yummy sugar cookies with the kids. That was a big success as far as the kids were concerned.
That was our day. Way low key. We love each other though. I have the best family. I love my husband so so much. My kids are darling and I love them to pieces. I love that my kids love each other so much too. They really are best buddies. Meg will give Bo and me hugs maybe 50% of the time, but she will ALWAYS give Carter hugs and kisses. She adores him. He loves her too, that's why he's constantly grabbing her cheecks. really.


Katie said...

I have been craving sugar cookies all day. That photo doesn't help! They look fabulous!!!

Stormie said...

I know, those cookies look so yummy! I want to make some now.

The Beus Gang

Bo, Cassidy, and Carter Beus