WOW. August flew by FAST. I guess that's what happens when school starts.
We have been pretty much occupied with trying to remember how to live in a schedule. :) This summer was just so relaxing and casual, with no set times to wake up or be somewhere, that jumping back into the responsible world has been quite the adjustment. :)
Carter has been in school a month now, and we think we're finally getting the hang of life again. Megan started preschool last week and is loving it. Carter started soccer about 2 weeks ago. He has practice two nights a week and a game on Saturdays. He is in love with soccer. He asks to take his soccer ball everywhere. :)
Megan started dance just yesterday. She love, love, LOVES dance. She told me she forgot most of the moves, so she just "copied the girls around me." :) Megan has become obsessed with coloring, and will spend a good hour or two coloiring pages we print off the computer for her. She is also trying her hardest to read!! She's doing pretty good too. I'm so proud of that girl. She'll definitely be ready for kindergarten next year. Oh yeah--she turns 5 on Sunday. 5!!!!
Derrick has been loving having a little more one on one time. All he asks in life is to have one of his parents "sit by me" or be near him pretty much at all times. Not to much to ask. :) I'll gladly snuggle next to that boy. He is such a snuggle bug. He also loves going to Carter's soccer and watching him play. He's pretty much Carter's number one fan. It is so cute to hear him cheering, "Go 'ter!!!!!!" --Yep, he calls Carter " Ter". Or sometimes he'll say "Tar-Ter" :)
So that has been our life here lately. Bo's schedule this year has been a lot nicer. He has more days off, which has been WONDERFUL! I hope the rest of the year is as nice as these last couple of months have been.
And, for you faithful readers out there......Bo got offered a job last night!!!! The contract hasn't been signed yet, but it is on it's way here!
Where??? Tri-Cities Washington!! YAY! We are way excited. We weren't ever planning on being back in our home state, much less very close to our home towns (1/2 hour to hour away), but a really good job just sort of presented itself to us. My dad had happened to be working in the temple a few months back and was talking to one of his fellow workers, who happened to be the DIRECTOR of an ER in Tri-Cities. He told my dad they were short staffed, and that he had been really busy. My dad then casually mentioned that his son in law would soon be done with residency and that ER was his department too. Well the Director told my dad to give Bo his number, and now, like 2 months down the road, we have a really sweet job in Washington!!!!!! We feel really blessed, and as you can tell from all the exclamation marks, very excited! We can't wait to be next to family and home. Through all the time we've been in med. school and residency, we've always referred to Washington as home, and now it's officially going to be our home once more!!!! Feel free to be excited with us. :)