Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The epic story of selling our house

We sold our house.  Fast.  Way fast.  Shockingly fast.
So When Perry was like a week and half old (end of Feb), and my mom was with us, I got some texts from my realtor saying he was going out of town the end of March (when we were wanting to list our house) and asked if we would be up to listing it before he left.  He was leaving out of town like the 20th or something.  I told him sure, why not, thinking that meant we'd list like March 17th or something.  He then asked if he and his photographer could come by in a couple of days.  So the following Tuesday, March 4th, our realtor came over with his photographer and they started taking pictures and having us go over the paperwork.  THANK GOODNESS my mom was still with us and able to help me get my house all cleaned and ready for pictures. There is just no way I would've been able to do this by myself. Perry was 2 weeks old!!!  At the end of pictures and paper signing, we asked my realtor when he was thinking of listing, and his response was "we'll go live tomorrow."  WHAT????  So instead of listing our house in a few weeks, we were selling it that week.  Oh my goodness. 
My mom left the next day, and from that afternoon on, we started having a huge flood of requests to show our house.  We were in shock at the response.  By Saturday afternoon/early evening, after just 4 showings, we had 2 offers to our home.  Because keeping the house spotless and having to leave with a NEWBORN was soooooo hard, we jumped on the better offer, which was a good one too, and just like that, our house was sold.  Four days on the market. FOUR DAYS!!!  We had 4 or 5 scheduled showings for Sunday, with a couple more on Monday and Tuesday that we immediately canceled.  The person wanting our house wanted it early April, but luckily we were able to extend it to the end of April.  After that, the real craziness began. Packing, packing, finding a temporary place to live for 2 months, and more packing!!  A lady I Visit Teach has some homes she rents out, and one of them was available, so she very wonderfully let us rent from her for May and June. What a blessing.  So now, for the past two months, we've been living at this small rental (1200 sq. feet) with all our boxes in the garage.  We have been living on the bare minimum of things, and let me tell you, I am so burnt out of this.  I'm ready to be done with living in boxes!!
But I wouldn't trade it for anything.  The pressure of selling our house is over.  I have stressed out about selling that house since we first moved in, and it's a relief to have it over with. 
Apparently the housing market for our town is super hot.  As soon as our house was sold, I immediately told my fellow resident friends who were moving too, and so they jumped on it and listed their homes too.  Their homes also sold in record time too, one being on the market for only 3 days!  Avon, Indiana is the place to be, I guess. 
I realized after I had packed our home, that I never was able to take pictures of it, so my realtor sent over the ones that the photographer took.  Here are the pictures!! Luckily since there was still snow, I didn't even have to do yard work or new mulch or anything to make it more appealing. SWEET.  We also had bought paint and stuff to put on the dry wall in the garage, but we had never been able to do it because of this winter being the longest winter ever.  We had planned on doing it in March, but again, since our house sold so fast and without us doing it, we didn't have to do it after all.  Score again!  So many projects that we had planned to do, but couldn't either because of the weather or me being preggo, didn't get done, and ended up not getting done and our house still sold.  So awesome.  In retrospect though, I'm wishing we would have sold our house for more.  I bet we could have.  No one knew the market would be so hot though, and that's just part of the gamble with selling your house.  We sold it for a good price though, and really, to have it out of our hair so fast works just fine.
Here's the pictures!

Kids' bathroom upstairs.

Megan's bedroom

Carter and Derrick's room

View of our living room and front room from the fireplace.  In the front room were bookshelves, a recliner, and our desk. We made it into a sort of study.  When we bought the house, it had been used as a dining room, but we took out the chandelier and converted into the office/study area.

Living Room


Laundry room/pantry.  Awesome room. This room is twice the size of this picture with a long row of pretty cabinets to put my food storage in.

Upstairs view of playroom/loft.  We actually chose this house because of this huge room upstairs. In the background you can see Carter's room and the doors to the kids bathroom and meg's room.  

Opposite side of the playroom upstairs.  The bouncy house was up here in that spot.

Master bathroom

Master Bedroom.  Our room was really big. 


Haley Krumblis said...

That's crazy! So glad it all worked out so well! Even more glad that you are moving toward us! Thanks for posting the pictures! It was fun to see your house!

Katie said...

Wow! That's amazing! And such a blessing. I hope our house sells that fast when we decide to sell it!

Lindsay Adams said...

Seeing the pics actually made me sad. So many memories, hanging out in that home. Man, I'm gonna miss you!

Unknown said...

That’s certainly epic! Congratulations on selling your house at a surprisingly short amount of time. Your house must have been in tiptop shape to attract that many prospective buyers. Aside from that, it looks so inviting and lovely, and whoever ended up buying it is lucky to get himself a good deal. Thanks for sharing!

Marjorie Brown @ Jamie Hooper

Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised you had so many people interested -- those are really great pictures! It must be so much of a relief not to be hanging on for people to make up their mind, and it's great that you could find somewhere temporary to live so easily. Best of luck!

Elton Rousseau @ Hancock And Partners

The Beus Gang

Bo, Cassidy, and Carter Beus