Carter turned five years old today. FIVE. Wow. Man the time has gone quickly.
Carter doesn't know his birthday is today.
Bo is out of town on more interviews. He left yesterday early in the morning and won't get back until LATE tomorrow night. Bo wanted to be there for the celebration, which he should, so we just haven't told Carter his birthday is today. Instead he thinks it's on Thursday. That way Bo can be there for the party. Still haven't answered why? Because I think it would be cruel to tell Carter it was his birthday but not let him open his presents, as we all know he would be begging to do.
He's better off just thinking he got to have a really fun day.
We started off the day with his 5 year check up at the Doctor's. He passed with flying colors. The Doctor even said he was above average for a five year old in the smarts department. How does she know? She had him write his name, and not only did he write it, but he wrote it SIDEWAYS, so that she could read it. She was sitting perpendicular to him, so he wrote his name so that it faced her, proving he could write it. She was impressed. haha
After his Dr.'s appt, we went to McDonalds and played, and played, and PLAYED. We stayed there for 3 hours, no joke. We had friends come and join us, so it made his day.
After that it was an attempt at nap, Star Wars Legos on the Wii, cookies, yummy dinner, cereal, Dino Dan on tv, a bath, and than chat time with Grandpa and Grandma Baker on the webcam.
Yep, he had a good day.
He'll have an even better day on Thursday, his mock Birthday.
Carter, Daddy and I love you. You are such a fun, bright, and happy part of our lives. We're glad we were blessed to have you join our family and that you chose us to be your parents. You are so smart, creative, funny, goofy, and loving. You are the best big brother to Megan, and we know you are just going to amazing to your future baby brother.
I can't believe you are five. It's gone by way too fast. I hope I have made the most of it. I hope you know that I cherish every moment with you. Okay, almost every moment. :) I can't wait to continue our friendship.
So, since I didn't start this blog before we had Carter, I have no pictures of his birth in my blog books. Here are a few pictures of him as a newborn, along with pictures of him on birthdays in the past. I've had fun seeing him grow, and hope you enjoy the pictures!!!
Carter's BIRTH day. I was so nervous for this day. Bo had told me weeks previous to his birth that he thought most babies were ugly, and that he would have no problem saying ours was ugly, even though it was ours. When Carter was born I was so relieved he was a cutie (granted I'm biased, but a LOT of people told me he was a pretty baby... than again they could've been humoring me too). I was glad Bo thought he was cute too. I don't think I could've stood it if he told me Carter Bug was ugly. haha
ok those last three pictures he looks a lot like your brothers, holy cow! What a cute boy. i agree he was an adorable baby...and i dont' think that of all babies!!! Happy Birthday Carter...on thursday, HA!
Happy Birthday, Carter... even though your Mommy won't show you this on your birthday!
Happy Birthday Carter! Your mom can tell you that Don and I wish you a happy birthday tomorrow!
The third picture down is my favorite. Great baby picture. Jack turns five this summer and it really is funny to think that he is turning into a boy...not so little anymore. So you're waiting to hear about residency? How about Chicago? :)
Can't believe he's already 5!! Such a cutie! Also about you being "big". The only reason you may look big is because your body is so small and the baby is getting so big you look like your belly just may pop! But rest assured you're not huge and you look super duper cute!
He was a very cute baby! I love his big eyes, probably because my kids will never have those. Sounds like you hadfun and I am 100% behind the lock G'day. Hope his/her birthday went awesome. Glad him and Jesse get to share the day now in true baker fashion.
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