Wednesday, October 29, 2008
October pictures
Returning home
Not even half of the stores are open. Most of the business are gutted too, or are boarded up. It's interesting to drive around and see banners over some of the places saying NOW OPEN. That's how you can tell what's open. Crazy, eh? It seems like all the places that ARE open are hiring. A couple of weeks ago the news reported that the unemployment rate went up 286%. Yep. I don't know if it's still accurate, but I wouldn't be surprised. We drove by Home Depot the other day and the place was PACKED with people and trucks loading up with supplies to go fix their properties, homes, etc. The thing that surprised me was that at the back of the parking lot there were lots of Mexican men standing around in small groups in work clothes. At first I didn't know what they were doing, and then it dawned on me. . . they are illegal and looking for work from the costumers at Home Depot. Sad. It reminded me a lot of the farm hands in Wa.
The last thing I'll mention about the hurricane is that about half of the island's plants are dead. It is so depressing to me. The island already looks like death, a little green would help soooo much. Instead you can see trees, bushes, grass, and other plants that are brown instead of green. Not all the plants are dead, but there are quite a few. The sea water killed them. Bo says it looks a little more like fall now. I beg to differ. In fall you have leaves on the ground, here you have the BROWN dead leaves still on the trees. Not to mention it's a different color then fall. It looks too brown.
Here are some pictures. The first 5 were taken by a guy in our ward.

Blog worthy
Friday, October 17, 2008
Grumpy, Grumpy
We are back in Galveston. It feels like a ghost town. What am I supposed to do with Carter to keep him entertained? The museums and parks are closed. Even McDonald's with the play area is closed. If I want to do anything the best option is to get off the island. Good thing gas prices are going down. I don't think anyone can imagine what it's like here. It's definetly a must see to understand thing. Bo was commenting on how the town looks worse now then it did during the Look and Leave. This is because now not only are buildings wrecked, but now all the buildings and houses have been gutted and there is garbage EVERYWHERE. Not only that but half of the plants are dead because of the seawater. sad day.
The other thing that has been making me grumpy is Megan's eating habits. Carter was a chugger. He loved LOVED to eat. The moment he saw that he was about to eat he would flip out with impatience to get some food. He ate fast though. 10 minutes and he was done. He would then take the binky and go straight to sleep. But Megan?? NOOOO. This little girl likes to take her sweet time. She wants to eat, but does it slowly. That and she isn't in such a rush to get food because she's all about being chill. It's killing me. I'm impatient. I have things to do. Instead I am stuck on the couch or whatever feeding her for an indefinite amount of time. AHHHH. That and she won't take a pacifier which is also killing me because guess what is the only thing she will take??? I'm not enjoying this nursing thing.
To be honest I've never wanted to nurse. Call me crazy, but I just wasn't down with it. Bo big time insisted though, so here I am, nursing my second child all day long. I guess it's not that big of deal that there's nothing to do here since I'm stuck feeding my child all day. I love you Megan, but honestly!
So no sleep and being stuck all day feeding the child, PLUS the pain, makes me a grumpy chica. I'm working on it though. I promise to be happier.
Bo is so cute. He's reading this and just told me that he doesn't think I'm that grumpy. This makes me feel good, but I think he might be lying.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Megan's 4 week stats
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Date night

After dinner we went and rented PENELOPE. I've been wanting to see this movie for forever! If you haven't seen it yet then you are missing out. Even Bo, a boy, liked it (News flash that Bo is a boy, I know). Anyways, I thought it was a way cute movie and I recommend it to all.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Watching Carter
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I love this girl!!!
My friend Jana gave me Meg's sunglasses as a baby gift. Aren't they the best? Don't ask me why, but when I was evacuating I grabbed those instead of the many other things I could have used.
He looks like genius material to me!
So we are still here in Moses Lake. We found out that Bo's school is delayed till the 20th of October. We changed our tickets and are now planning on heading home to Galveston on the 14th.
I just wanted to comment on a few of the little things I've noticed between Megan and when Carter was a baby:
Megan loves to hear music and singing. Carter HATED it. Seriously. He would get more fussy and cry, while Meg just relaxes and soaks it in.
Megan and Carter both have a cleft chin. Meg's isn't as prominant as Carter's but then again, she is also bigger then he was, meaning she has a little more meat on that chin and those cute cheeks.
Megan doesn't like the binky. This KILLS me. Carter loved it. Meg took to nursing right away, while it took Carter a few days, so you'd think she'd be down with the pacifier more so than he was. NOPE. Oh well. I guess you can't win them all.
Carter slept through the night at 2 months. Meg slept from 10:30 till 4 am two nights in a row at 3 weeks! I hope she is like her brother and sleeps through the night by 2 months, although if she chooses to do so earlier that is fine by me too!
That's all. There are more I'm sure, I just can't think of them at the moment.