Wednesday, September 24, 2008
2 kids!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
More on Megan
Look and Leave
Monday, September 15, 2008
What to say, what to say
Friday, September 12, 2008
Evactuating with a Newborn
We are here in Richmond, TX, which is right next to Sugarland. We thought of driving all the way to Temple, TX, but honestly, with a newborn AND my parents in town, the thought of driving at least 4 hours was just not cool. My sister-in-laws parents live here and their house is out of major harms way. We are worried the power will go out, but that's about it.
The storm is headed straight to Galveston, which is where we live. We are of course nervous about our apartment, but glad we have our children. Really that's all that matters. We are okay. I am of course not up to par, but count my blessings that I had Megan before the storm hit. If I hadn't had her, I'd be having her now, what with all the stress, at the house I'm staying in. So although I'm stressed about taking her out of the house, exposing her to all sorts of things, and not getting the rest that I am in big time need of, I am still glad that I had her when I did.
This blog is short because the storm is coming, and the power could go out at any moment here where we are.
Please keep us in your prayers. We have no idea what the future holds for us. Thanks for all your well wishes! Who knows when I'll be able to blog again, but when I do, I'll feel you in on all the details.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Megan Lee Beus

Saturday, September 6, 2008
No baby yet
Yeah. Now here I am, ready to go, and nada!!! I'm ready. I have everything ready to go, the bags are packed, Bo has the week off, Carter is pumped to go stay at Jackie's, and no contractions! Or at least painful ones anyway.
Let me just say that when I went into my Dr.'s appt. 2 weeks ago, the Dr. said he "moved things around" for me when he was checking me. I was only 1 cent. then. Last appt., which was on Tuesday, he checked me again, said I was almost a 2, and then he did some wonderful painful jabbing and claimed he "stirred things up" for me again. I'm guessing he stripped my membranes and so forth but nothing is going on! DAH!
I've walked the mall and everything else, hiked the stairs a bunch, scrubbed my house, did jumping jacks (yes I actually did), and I'm not getting anywhere. Help friends! I'm sorry, but I don't think I can force myself to drink Castrol Oil. 4 days to go. She'd better not be late. The Dr. said he would induce me on the 14th if all else. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't have to wait that long.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
This week, and last week, Bo has been studying like crazy for some tests he has. I have been pretty bored at night, so last minute I went and rented PS, I Love You, without reading what it was about. I knew it was a girl movie, and that was enough. Well friends, let me tell you, it's not exactly the best thing to watch when you are already super SUPER hormonal. I think I lost about 5 pounds in tears. No joke. I bawled the whole time. Really. Bo says I'm no longer allowed to watch anything close to that in the future.
It was a good movie though. Really it was. There was a naked butt scene, but other then that it wasn't too bad. The only thing that really really bugged me, besides the butt scene, was the main actress' headbands. She wore a lot of them and I just don't think she looked good in them. Funny thing to notice, I know. It definetly had some funny parts, so I would have tears running down my face and then just bust up laughing. For those who don't know what it's about, it's about a woman who's husband dies and her finding letters he's left for her. Very good, but I just was too into it and could just picture how I'd be with Bo gone. Not good for someone about to have a baby. haha. I sometimes cry in movies, I admit it, but I have never NEVER had to use a tissue before. Yeah, when the movie was done I had a pile of them. I think I used like 5. oh goodness. I think I am going to have to hold off on movies like that for awhile.