So I've calculated that since moving to Galveston the beginning of August, I've been away from Bo for 4 weeks. 4 weeks people!! That's a month (obviously, cass), and can I just tell you how tired of being away from him I am?????? That is why it's about time! Bo is coming in today!! YAY!!!!! I'm going to go pick him up in an hour, and it's all I can do not to go hop in the car right now to get there. He's flying into Spokane, and I just can't wait. I love my man. That's all. That's my blog.
Oh yeah, we went to my parents ward party this morning, it was a breakfast, and it was funny because my cousin James was Santa. It was really funny seeing him all dressed up. Good times. For those of you who don't know, James is getting married on the 28th of this month to a cute girl (Niki Forsberg) in the Boise, ID temple. We are so excited for him. They are cute together. She plays on the Volleyball and Softball team for Big Bend. GO JAMES!!!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
So I am in Moses Lake!! YIPPIE! After a very busy week last week, Carter and I took off on Saturday and headed for Washington. We left TX at 7:45 am(5:45 Wa time) and after a connection and another flight, landed in Spokane, Wa at 1:30 pm. Carter actually did really well. It was later on while we were helping my mom shop at some stores that the traveling and sleepiness and crankiness set in. Oh wow was he not happy. When we got into Spokane I saw an old friend and realized he was on the same flight as me. Sad that we didn't know that till the end. It would've been fun to catch up on the plane and to talk to someone. What are the odds of knowing someone on the same flight??
So anyways, while we were at church yesterday morning it SNOWED!!!! YAY!! It was so fun showing Carter the snowflakes and watching it fall to the ground. He loved it. We took him sledding outside this morning. At first he was a little unsure of what was going on, but then he warmed up to it. I forgot to take a picture, so I'll have to do it later. I got video of it, but no still frames. Sorry. It was great though. Cold, of course, but after all the heat in TX, it's kind of refreshing.
We went and helped out my parents get a Christmas tree today. That was fun. I miss real trees. Carter was so cute, he kept trying to help put the lights on. He was cute. It was good that he was cute, because his attitude Saturday night and Sunday morning was enough to make me wonder if I ever wanted any more kids. Seriously. Really, seriously. But today he showed his good side. *phew* I was afriad my little sweetheart had disappeared.
I was really emotional yesterday because we were visiting a friends church for a little while (he was giving a guest sermon), and Carter was driving me crazy. I don't blame him, really, who wouldn't be after traveling so long and having to adjust to a 2 hour time difference. Not to mention that this was his 4th hour of church. But I was the same as him, so me plus a whiney kid just wasn't working. Anyways, it was the end of church and we were walking past an open door and Carter's head barely hit it. Carter didn't even notice, and I apologized to him, but this lady on the bench by the door noticed, and then 10 min. later when we were trying to leave Carter wanted down, and there were so many people around that I couldn't bend over, so I let him slide down, and he stumbled and fell at the end, again. . .he didn't notice, didn't care, but we were right by that darn lady agan! She tried helping him up and then was all "you poor thing, first your mom hits your head with the door and then drops you." UGH!!! That was it. It was all I could do to not say something to her and to hold my tears. I was so upset. It's not like I meant to do any of it, and I was already feeling the like the crappiest parent on the earth because I was so fed up with my child and had accidently bumped his head, that her saying it just confirmed my feelings and I just broke. Do you ever get that way?
I feel better now, having caught up on my much needed sleep and Carter getting his. I miss Bo and don't know how on earth single mothers do it. I give them mad props. I need Bo. I need his comforting words, his hugs, his help, even just his presence. We're coming up on our 4th anniversary, and it's amazing how much we have grown into one. I really need him to think straight and function. He doesn't have to do anything, he just needs to be there. Does that make sense? Anyways. . . I love my man and I love my son, so maybe someday Carter still might get lucky and get a sibling. :) Unless he does something to change my mind again tomorrow. ;)
Over and out.
So anyways, while we were at church yesterday morning it SNOWED!!!! YAY!! It was so fun showing Carter the snowflakes and watching it fall to the ground. He loved it. We took him sledding outside this morning. At first he was a little unsure of what was going on, but then he warmed up to it. I forgot to take a picture, so I'll have to do it later. I got video of it, but no still frames. Sorry. It was great though. Cold, of course, but after all the heat in TX, it's kind of refreshing.
We went and helped out my parents get a Christmas tree today. That was fun. I miss real trees. Carter was so cute, he kept trying to help put the lights on. He was cute. It was good that he was cute, because his attitude Saturday night and Sunday morning was enough to make me wonder if I ever wanted any more kids. Seriously. Really, seriously. But today he showed his good side. *phew* I was afriad my little sweetheart had disappeared.
I was really emotional yesterday because we were visiting a friends church for a little while (he was giving a guest sermon), and Carter was driving me crazy. I don't blame him, really, who wouldn't be after traveling so long and having to adjust to a 2 hour time difference. Not to mention that this was his 4th hour of church. But I was the same as him, so me plus a whiney kid just wasn't working. Anyways, it was the end of church and we were walking past an open door and Carter's head barely hit it. Carter didn't even notice, and I apologized to him, but this lady on the bench by the door noticed, and then 10 min. later when we were trying to leave Carter wanted down, and there were so many people around that I couldn't bend over, so I let him slide down, and he stumbled and fell at the end, again. . .he didn't notice, didn't care, but we were right by that darn lady agan! She tried helping him up and then was all "you poor thing, first your mom hits your head with the door and then drops you." UGH!!! That was it. It was all I could do to not say something to her and to hold my tears. I was so upset. It's not like I meant to do any of it, and I was already feeling the like the crappiest parent on the earth because I was so fed up with my child and had accidently bumped his head, that her saying it just confirmed my feelings and I just broke. Do you ever get that way?
I feel better now, having caught up on my much needed sleep and Carter getting his. I miss Bo and don't know how on earth single mothers do it. I give them mad props. I need Bo. I need his comforting words, his hugs, his help, even just his presence. We're coming up on our 4th anniversary, and it's amazing how much we have grown into one. I really need him to think straight and function. He doesn't have to do anything, he just needs to be there. Does that make sense? Anyways. . . I love my man and I love my son, so maybe someday Carter still might get lucky and get a sibling. :) Unless he does something to change my mind again tomorrow. ;)
Over and out.
Monday, December 3, 2007
A Great Night!
So last Thursday night Bo, Carter, and I went to the Festival of Lights here at Moody Gardens. Moody Gardens is an attraction here on the island. They have an aquarium, rainforest, IMAX, and other fun things. Anyways, they do this thing at Christmas time called the Festival of Lights. Imagine driving by Quincy, only times it by 50.25 . ha. It was fun. You pretty much walk around the grounds of the place and look at all figures light up. They had ships, flowers, African animals, dinosaurs, SpongeBob (really random), candy canes, Santa (of course), castles, polar bears, and pretty much a bunch of other things. Some of the figures moved, some were stationary. My favorite thing was their nativity. They had the nativity story narrated over the speakers, and with each part of the story, a different scene would lite up. It was pretty good. I enjoyed it. So that was fun. I'd have to say that I still think, as far as lights go, that Temple square is the best, but these were great too. After we walked around the grounds we went inside the main building and Carter saw Santa and waved to him. I'm cheap, I know, but why pay $10 for Carter to sit on his lap there, when he can do it for free (with a better picture even) at the ward party? So Carter only got to wave. We then went into their restraunt and ordered a hot fudge sundae and hot chocolate. Yes it was like 70 degrees outside, but you just HAVE to have hot chocolate at Christmas time. My favorite part about the night was the dessert because it was spontaneous. We usually don't do things spur of the moment, and so I loved it!!! Here are some pics from the night.

On a side note, tonight we went to the IMAX at Moody Gardens and saw the Nutcracker. Oh man it was so bad! Bo and I both walked out of it wishing we hadn't gone. We're talking horrible dancing, acting, props, costumes. It makes for a funny memory though. We have seasons passes to Moody Gardens, so we get in everything here. We went to the Polar Express last week at the IMAX (by the way, they are all 3-D), and that was really fun. We plan on going to Santa vs. Snowman on Thursday.
On a side note, tonight we went to the IMAX at Moody Gardens and saw the Nutcracker. Oh man it was so bad! Bo and I both walked out of it wishing we hadn't gone. We're talking horrible dancing, acting, props, costumes. It makes for a funny memory though. We have seasons passes to Moody Gardens, so we get in everything here. We went to the Polar Express last week at the IMAX (by the way, they are all 3-D), and that was really fun. We plan on going to Santa vs. Snowman on Thursday.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Thanksgiving '07

I've never shopped on Black Friday before, but there were a couple things in the ads that looked like fun, and some of the party was going out, so I decided to go. We left at 5 in the a.m., which might not be as early as some who go out, but it was definetly early enough for me. It was great though. I bought a giant stuffed Elmo for Carter. He's going to love it. I'm having a hard time restraining myself from showing Carter his presents. It's just so fun and I can't wait to see his face when he opens them.
We came home from San Antonio Saturday evening because Bo had to give a talk in church and I had to give a lesson. We were about an hour away and Carter started throwing up.!!! Seriously. He'd had the flu/stomach virus two weeks before, and was just barely overcoming a cold when this happened. Poor kid! We had to pull over and change his shirt because it was soaking with nasty smelling vomit. We still had an hour left of driving, and poor Carter kept on vomiting. Our car smelled so bad that even Bo and I were starting to feel sick. UGH! When we got home it was like 10 at night, Carter was exhausted, but we still popped him in the bath. He needed it. We tag teamed going to church the next morning, with Bo going the first half and me the second. Carter kept throwing up, but by Sunday evening he was stopping, and by Monday he was back on the mend. So thankfully it was a short spell this time.
We're all good now and out having fun. I hadn't posted previously because I felt like I needed a break from everything for a couple days. Carter and I have been going non-stop for like a month and we needed to just relax. With that said, I'm finally posting, and here are some pictures from the trip!

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The Beus Gang
Bo, Cassidy, and Carter Beus