My Little Treasure Chest Key
Oh why, oh why, can I not go to sleep?
The house is quiet and no one's making a peep!
I have been tossing and turning in this uncomfortable bed,
Trying to get songs and thoughts out of my head.
So to pass time I think I'll make up this Ode,
It's a good way to kill time--or so I've been told.
I need to do something to bring on the sleep,
I've tried clearing my head, and I even counted some sheep!
Oh this is annoying as I lay watching the clock,
but with this Ode, there's definetly no writer's block.
What a dumb little rhyme this Ode has started to become,
But what else am I to do? This no sleep thing is tiresome.
Oh no, oh crud, ahhhh! What's that I hear?
Could I be hearing my baby's cry--and not too dear?
What a horrible trick, for I'd finally drifted away,
I look at the clock and what does it say?
Ten minutes thats it???
My teeth start to grit.
I've only been asleep for a little while when,
My little boy decided he wanted out of his pen.
AHHHHH. I cry, and try to ignore him and sleep.
But try as I might, his lungs pierced my ears deep.
Out of bed I get, and pick up my little child.
Sure enough, as soon as I get him he turns sweet and mild.
With bottle in mouth and in my arms his sweet head,
I look at him, and bad thoughts are left dead.
For here is my little treasure chest key.
He has opened up the most dearest things to me.
He has unlocked this great love that I never knew,
And other great treasures that I'd never thought possible, come true!
With this child, I have discovered great love,
and other great feelings that I know came from above.
What a wonderful opportunity, being a mother,
And seeing him so sweet, makes me think it's time for another.
To put down in words what I feel for this son,
Would be absolutely impossible, impossible and then some.
So while sometimes I'm tired and not quite gung ho,
I'll just look at my boy, and try fresh tomorrow.