Holy smokes.
I want time to slow down a little. Derrick is changing so much, and I'm just not prepared for it!
I took Derrick in for his two month check up last week, and here are his stats:
Height: 23.5" which is in the 73rd percentile
Weight: 14 lbs 3 oz. which is in the 95th percentile
Head: 40.6 cm which is a nice 67th percentile.
Yep, I have me a big baby and I'm loving every bit of it.
I've told people that he is my skinniest baby. It's true. By this age, my other two had so many rolls, and Derrick just doesn't. Now we know why. He is so long!! My other two are shorties, and have always been short. Derrick has the same weight as them at this age, his just is more spread out. He's getting some chunks though. I love me some baby rolls. ;)
So (Libby), here are some pictures of my growing baby boy: