Yeah, I'm terrible. I'm just so tired that I have no motive to do anything, so that right there is one of the main reasons for not being the best blogger. That and the only time to do it is at night when the kids are in bed, and that is Bo's and my "PSYCH" time. We love that show. We've been watching all the episodes, 4 seasons worth. Such a funny show. We have fun.
This pregnancy has been long. I've just been so tired the whole time. I haven't been nauseous, thank heavens, but I did/do get bad food aversion, so pretty much I haven't gained any weight because honestly nothing sounds good. It's really annoying, but I suppose I should be counting my blessings. It could be worse. The past two days I've started to get what Bo thinks is carpal tunnel. Not cool friends, not cool. But thats all. The baby is moving, so far it seems healthy and happy. I have my ultrasound on Monday to see what the baby is going to be. We can't wait!
Bo got his first interview invite for residency today!! We're super excited. It's early in the season, so we're hoping for more, but this invite just makes it all that more official. We are nearing the end of the medical school road!!! We'll deal with the residency one when we get there.
The kids are great. They are funny. A little crazy, but pretty darn funny. Carter has been saying random things. He told me "yes, indeed" the other day. He's also been telling me things are pretty "neutral." I don't think he knows what it means. I think he relates it to "cool." Where he comes up with it, I don't know. Meg has her own bed and own room now. She's sleeping through the night (don't get me started on
that) and doing better at just going straight to sleep. knock on wood.
So that's what's up. I meant to blog on Meg's birthday, with pictures, but then realized I didn't have the pictures on the computer yet, and yes I am too lazy to go and do it. I'll do it tomorrow. haha.