Bo's little brother,
Dallin, came to visit us last week. We had so much fun with him!! Boy were we busy. We wanted to make sure that he had a good time and that he would encourage others to come visit us. :) We went to story time at the library (okay that was more for the kids than
Dallin), the beach, the aquarium,
NASA's Space Center, the zoo, and then finished the trip off with some dolphin sightings on the ferry. See? I told you it was busy. Super fun, but way busy. We still got our nap times in though. It's all about priorities. ;) Bo was working his last week of General Surgery while
Dallin was here, so unfortunately he was gone a ton and only made it to the zoo with us. Oh well. The kids and I know how to throw a party, right
As far as the pictures go. . . well half the time the kids were running around and wouldn't stay in the picture with
Dallin, so that's why there are so many solo shots of him.
The kids slept in the same room, so that
Dallin could have his own room and have the opportunity to sleep in. We tried. Meg and Carter loved sharing a room, as long as Carter would stop dumping a bazillion toys in her crib, or move her crib, or give her the curtain so she could pull it down, or get her out of bed, or scream, or. . . . :) They were successful in falling asleep eventually though. I love the first picture because this is how we FINALLY got them to go to sleep that first night. Tender, isn't it?? They're so deceptively cute, innocent, and all sorts of warm fuzzy things when they are asleep.

On the tram at the space center. We were headed over to the Astronaut Training Facility. Cool, eh? Don't you wish you could come visit us and go too????

This baby is HUGE.

Carter lying on a bed of nails at the Space Center. Really.
Dallin and I did it too. Way crazy and cool. You lie down on the metal, push the button, and the nails come up. The point was to prove that one nail could hurt, but a ton of nails evenly spaced everywhere won't hurt. It was a little
pokey, but
definetly not painful.

There was a picture of me too, but it didn't come out good. It was blurry and made me look creepy. Or maybe I always look creepy. . .