On Saturday, our last full day in DC, we crammed in all the memorials that we hadn't had the opportunity to see up close. We did a LOT of walking.
We started the day with tours of the Capitol building, where the kids scared me to death with their wondering off. There were a lot of people inside and Bo was waiting outside with the stroller, food, and Derrick (no food was allowed inside), so it was just me with the older two, and I was just so scared I was going to lose them. The kids had fun but about half way through Megs was begging to go back outside. I probably didn't get as much out of it as everyone else, but it was still pretty fun.
After the Capitol we WALKED all the way to the White House. Bo says it's gotta be at least a mile and a half. I'm sure it's more. Thank goodness I had borrowed my friend's double stroller before going on this trip! Because we were doing so much walking, and with all those little kids, we pretty much loaded that stroller up with as many kids as possible. I pretty much pushed the 3 six year olds and the five year old. That's a lot of weight! Derrick sat on top of the Katz's stroller and I have an awesome picture of him falling asleep sitting up on it. haha. While walking to the White House we happened to walk past Ford's Theater. That was cool.
After the White House we walked up to the Washington Memorial and let the kids run crazy. Then it was off to the WWII memorial, then the Lincoln Memorial. I was really excited for my kids to see the Lincoln Memorial because it's in Night at the Museum, Battle of the Smithsonian. I couldn't wait to see my kids' expressions when they saw Lincoln, and they didn't disappoint. They were so excited! It was really fun watching them. Derrick had more fun running around on the lawn in front of the memorial. haha. Unfortunately they reflecting pool was gone because they are doing some upgrades to it. Bummer.
The Lincoln memorial was pretty much last on our list and by this time we were TIRED. It was like 4 or 5 in the afternoon and we were done. So done. Unfortunately the closest metro was at the Smithsonian, so we pretty much had to walk at least another mile to get back to a metro. Bo thinks that by the end of the day we walked close to 5 miles. I'm a poor judge of distance, but I don't doubt we walked that much. We really did walk a ton.
Oh yeah, my cousin Rachel joined us at the Lincoln memorial, so we got to see her again! She walked back to the metro with us and then we all headed back to the hotel to get our cars before taking off again to California Pizza Kitchen for dinner. This time I got a picture! After dinner and saying goodbye to Rachel, it was like 9:45 at night. The kids didn't go swimming on Friday, and after hearing them ask all that day, and then all Saturday about going swimming, I decided to go ahead and take them swimming. Why not. The pool was open till 11 that night, so we went swimming till 10:45. I think that right there shows how much I love my kids. :) Really it was all for me. jk.
That was our last day. Phew. The next morning we packed up while the kids played with the Easter baskets the Easter Bunny left them, hugged our friends goodbye, and headed back to Indiana. It was a way fun trip and I hope we do another group vacation next year!