My parents came to January. hahaa. Talk about being way behind on blogging.
Southwest had this awesome deal where you got half off tickets if you flew on these certain days, so we took advantage of that and got tickets for my parents!
My parents and I kept the trip a secret from my kids so that when the day came for them to visit, my kids were totally surprised. It was really fun. My parents flew in at midnight, so the next morning the kids came into my room all confused and wondering if I knew that Grandpa was in Megan's room. When I started acting clueless they REALLY started getting confused. hahhaa.
Best surprise ever.
Anyways, sadly enough I hardly got any pictures. We were BUSY. See, part of the reason my parents came was so that they could help me with some of the projects in my house. We painted a wall, we put in a new wood front entry, and we redecorated. My house looks pretty good. I really do mean to get around to taking pictures of it...
My parents also watched the kids on Friday and Saturday so that Bo and I could take an overnight trip down to Louisville,KY and visit the temple. That was SO WONDERFUL. I want to do that again! :)
So yep, that was a couple weeks ago, sadly, and we all wish it were still going on. My kids love my parents and beg to go to Washington to their house all the time.
Here are the few pictures I took while they were here. It's from a trip to the Children's Museum (shocker) that we took while they were here. They opened up a new exhibit, Mr. Potato Head, and we were there on the first day to test that bad boy out.

The only picture of my mom. Since she doesn't read my blog, she won't be mad that the picture kinda blurred her over. haha.