Saturday, February 26, 2011

Girl Time

The Saturday before I had my little boy, hence the huge belly, my Mom, Libby, and I went to go get pedicures!! My mom had never had one before, and I'm all about having pretty feet while in labor, so we headed out for some much needed girl time.
I love the first picture. Libby and I were laughing at my Mom's face. She had such a funny look. Come to find out she had forgotten her glasses and the face was her trying to see what they were doing. hahhaa.

Seriously, look at my belly!!!!! Holy smokes! Man, am I glad he's out.

We had painted Meg's feet earlier in the day, and you should have seen her reaction when she saw all of our feet all painted. Girl heaven! She was one of the big girls! :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Story

I should've written this awhile ago, like a week ago when it actually happened.... but I've been a little busy. Go figure. ;)
My mom and sister, Libby, flew into Houston on Thursday, Feb. 10th, to come visit and help with the baby, and my dad joined in on the fun on Saturday, the 12th. I hadn't had the baby yet, so we stuck with the plan of being induced on Monday, the 14th.
Sunday night Bo, Libby, and I went to the hospital a little after 6 in the evening so that the nurses could start me on this pre-inducing stuff. By about 7 that evening, I was having pretty steady contractions, not painful, but really regular ones about 5 min apart. I hadn't even had the medicine put in me yet. They put the Cervidel (sp?) in at about 8 ish. Libby went home at about 9:30, along with cousin Jackie, who came to socialize for a bit. We were having fun playing games and watching the contractions on the screen come steadily along.
I woke up at about 2:30 in the am with contractions 2 to 3 min. apart and they HURT. Of course they did. haha. Between 2:30 and 5:30 in the am I continued to have those contractions and with the help of a heating pack and the Ambien, I was able to still sneak in a couple minutes of sleep here and there. And I mean minutes.
The nurse took the Cervidel out at 5:30, checked me, and I was only a 2. You know how mad I was to know that I spent the last 3 hours to not progress AT ALL? Grrrr. At 8 in the am, Sandy, the best nurse ever, put the inducing medicine in my system. I then asked if I could have some pain med. I'm a wimp, and if God's going to put pain medication on the earth, then I'm gonna take it. She said she'd go ask the Dr. Not 5 min. later in comes my nurse and my Dr. He wanted to check me and see how I was coming along. I seriously was on the Petocin for 5 minutes, if that. We were all surprised when we found out I was at a good 4, bordering on 5. WOOHOO. That means I can get an epidural!!
I knew that once I was at a 4, that labor wouldn't be long. I had told my parents and sister the previous day that I wouldn't be surprised if I had the baby before noon. They apparently didn't think to seriously on that, because when we called them at 8:30 to tell them I was at a four, and then at 9 to tell them I was at a 7, they were shocked and had been planning to go ride the local ferry for fun.
So yeah, the nurse checked me at 9:00, less than an hour after they had given me the Petocin and I had been checked as a 4, I was already 7 cm. (I guess I should note that at a 10 you are done and ready to push) We called my parents and told them that they had better get ready to head over. At 9:40 ish I started feeling some pressure. And it was significant enough to feel over the epidural. Real pressure. We called the nurse, who was busy getting everything ready since she'd checked me a half hour earlier, and she came and checked me again. She only had to LOOK, not even check, to see that the baby was right there on his way out, and that he baby had a head of hair!!! She hurried and called the dr, another nurse came in, and they started having me push.
My Dr. came in with a med. student and was talking to her when the baby's head started coming out. I had to pause in my pushing so that he could get his gloves on. Seriously. (The babies head was literally half way out when I had to pause and wait for the Dr. to get his gloves on. Can you imagine then waiting for a couple of minutes, not pushing, with a baby half way out of you???? AWKWARD) It only took a couple more minutes of waiting after that for another contraction to come along to help with the pushing, and he was out. 10:01 am. My beautiful, big, 9 lb 3.4 oz. , 22 in. long baby boy. I stayed in the hospital until Tuesday evening, and then checked out. I could've stayed till Wednesday, but Meg was missing me like crazy and that bed was just so uncomfortable.
So there you have it. Derrick's birth story. If it was too much info, I'm sorry, but not really. I want this in my records for both Derrick's and my sake. I use this blog as a journal, and I print it out every year, with copies for the each kid.
I love my little baby SO MUCH. He really is the dream baby. He nurses and sleeps really well. He loves to cuddle. He loves contact. He is seriously so content. I've also got to add that our first two nights home from the hospital, he SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!!! Now, of course, he hasn't been like that since, but he has still been a good little sleeper. Every three hours he's up, but he just goes right back to sleep. No fussing, no crying. So good!! Oh yeah, and he takes a pacifier!!!!! Ahhhh.
The kids absolutely adore him. They are always fighting with each other on who gets to hold him. They are constantly putting hand sanitizer on so that they can hold the baby. I love it. Meg can always be seen giving him a kiss on the head. So tender. The only negative thing to the whole new situation is that Meg has become super clingy and possessive of me. She doesn't hold any bad feelings to the baby, she just has a hard time being away from me. It hasn't registered to her that the baby is the reason she isn't getting as much Mommy time. I think me being at the hospital and away from her at night is what did it. I've had to have her sit right there next to me in the recliner when I nurse the baby because she has to be that next to me all the time. Very uncomfortable, but oh well.
Derrick, we love you and are so glad that, in Meg and Carter's words, "the baby is out!" We LOVE having you in our family!!!

My dad and Derrick.
The kids came right when they brought me lunch, and decided they were hungry too. They seriously ate at least half my food. haha. It was really hard juggling the food and the kids on that very uncomfortable bed.
Going home!! He looks so tiny in that car seat!

A good big brother!

First bath!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Few More Pictures

Derrick Baker Beus

Derrick Baker Beus was born at 10:01 am today, February 14th. He weighed 9 pounds, 3.4 ounces (barely beating Megan as heavyweight champion), and was 22 inches long. He and mom are both doing very well. Here are the preliminary pictures before the rest of the family gets here and the photo shoot begins.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Almost done!!

So here I am. One week left and still pregnant. GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME!!!
Actually, I've been thinking that maybe it's a good thing he isn't out yet. I've been sick these past weeks with a killer cold, and it would be horrible to have a new baby in those conditions. Not to mention my mom and sister, Libby, come into town on Thursday, so I might as well wait till they get here so I have help with the kiddos.
I went to the Dr. this past week and he checked me. I'm not even close to being dilated. If I had even been dilated to a one or two, he would've induced me this weekend, since Meg was such a big baby (9 lbs, 3 oz), but since I was nothing, it was a no go.
He DID SAY that he'll check me at my next appt, which will be this upcoming Friday, and if I'm still nothing, he'll do what I can to soften me up (ouch), and if I haven't had this baby boy by Sunday, he's going to induce me on Monday, the 14th. My Valentine's baby.
YAY! I'm so excited to know that the end is in sight.
Some have asked me how I feel about having this baby on Valentine's Day. Well for one, I still have a chance of having him before then. For another, all I can say is, if I have him then, I know I at least get to have that night without the other kids, so it's still a date, right?? haha. Honestly though, I don't care. Bo and I usually celebrate a couple days before or after anyways, because we hate the overpriced flowers and the crowds. As for the baby, well it's a boy, and I doubt he would care. If it were a girl, I would probably choose to wait longer, because no girl wants to share the love day with her birthday. They should be separate so that a girl gets recognized for BOTH ;) but a boy?? I don't think mine will care. If he's anything like his dad he won't.
So there you have it! ONE WEEK! Woohoo!!!!
And I'm thinking this'll be the last pregnancy picture of me. Enjoy my hugeness.
FYI: this has actually been my lightest pregnancy by at least 5 lbs. Also, I got two compliments last week on how cute and round my belly was. That made me feel much better.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My poor Carter-Bug

The other night Carter was walking to bed and he accidently hit his head on the door handle. OUCH! Poor little guy. He got over it though, and I thought that was it.
At about 1:30 in the am he woke up CRYING and saying his ear hurt. Me, thinking it was just from him hitting it on the door knob, told him to go back to sleep and it would be okay.
Wrong again.
He woke up probably every 10 to 20 min. from 1:30 to 3:30 complaining his ear hurt. My poor guy. I think I won the Mother of the Year award though, by being impatient and telling him it's just because he was tired. Finally he went to sleep and stayed asleep.
Can you guess I'm gonna say I was wrong again???
The next morning I told Bo about our night. Carter then told Bo that his ear still hurt, so Bo took out his otoscope, a big bonus to having a husband in the medical field, and checked Carter's ear. Sure enough, he had an ear infection... IN BOTH EARS!!
Aw man. My poor kid! We took him to the pediatrician that afternoon and the Dr. confirmed it. Not only that, but one of the ears, the one he was complaining about, was so bad, that the Dr. said it looked like it would pop any moment!!!!! OUCH.
I'm sorry Carter Bug.
He's on antibiotics now, and he seems to be a lot better. He's had this wierd rash lately on his face and chest too. We're hoping that it's just heat or something. That's why there are so many pictures of him. To show him being sick and to show the red cheeks.

If the camera is on, he's going to pose.

Please excuse his hair.

My goof ball.

The Beus Gang

Bo, Cassidy, and Carter Beus