(Who needs to go the park!!)
Nothing much is going on here. We are just chillin' like a villain waiting to go home to Washington for Christmas! We go on Wednesday and will be there until the 5th of January. YAY!
We are getting the house clean and last minute shopping done, which really isn't all that interesting, hence no blogging. Our day to day conversations consist of telling Carter over and over again how many weeks, now days, till we head to Grandpa and Grandma's. Grandpa being my dad, Grandma being Bo's mom. haha.
We did go see the Princess and the Frog on Friday with some friends. I liked it, but it was a lot darker (evil) than I thought it would be. Still, you gotta love the classic drawing with the music, old school Disney.
On another bright note, Bo is off of school for 4 weeks! That's right, FOUR WEEKS!! Yeah baby. And can I say how fun it is, and I know this is mean, to threaten Carter with calling Santa when he misbehaves?? HAHAAA. Seriously lovin' that threat. Whatever works friends, whatever works.