Happy Fourth of July!!!! What a wonderful country America is. I am so blessed to live here and to raise my children as proud Americans.
We spent the morning of the fourth at good ole Chuck E Cheese. The place was empty and perfect. It was just our family, and it was really nice to just be our own little family. Carter spent the whole time earning hundreds of tickets doing a jumping game. The rest of the kids traded off on the riding toys, and in some instances not trading off. Haha. We like to get our money's worth!!
That evening we went to the Jones family reunion over and Ken and Becky's in Othello. The kids played, we ate good food and had good conversation, and then played a fun white elephant game. I won a tarp, Bo a windshield wiper, and Perry some car cleaning wipes. Haha. Derrick got caramels, Carter traded his puzzle for candy, and Meg, after opening three gifts, came away with a nail kit. She is so thrilled!
After that we rushed back to Pasco to see some fireworks. We made it just in time, but in our hurry I forgot to take pictures. Bummer!! The kids loved the show, and now are sad they have to wait another year.
All in all, I'd call it a very good day.
God Bless America!!